The boys have really enjoyed their study of Egypt. G is really into how much he has been learning and can't wait to read The Story of the World with me and then answer the questions from the Activity Guide. I admit with our negative budget the last thing I would consider trying to squeeze a penny for is a Classical Education book. But, our library has it. In fact I've checked all the books out at least 3 times each in the last year. I just could not make myself read them. I'm just not so sure that I think my young boys need to be Well Trained yet. But, G is enjoying our more structured time that we have taken on and I'm surprised at how much Porter is picking up a long the way. I'm not planning on adapting the trivium model in our home. But, for now Ancient History is really catching on around here and it looks like it's the year of the Ancients in our home!
The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child, Volume 1: Ancient Times
Ancient Times: Activity Book, Vol. 1
I haven't done any of the activities out of the book yet. We usually do quite a lot of hands on stuff with our KONOS units. But, the boys seem to be keeping themselves busy doing other projects. I'm still waiting on the Books on CD from the library. We like to listen to books on tape during meals. We have even been know to light candles and stay up late listening to books on CD. Namely Lemony Snickett...but hey Ancient History should be just as suspense filled. (Another thing we are going to add this year is grammar. For the life of me I cannot figure out if that should be suspensefull or suspense filled)...or do I put the period in the parenthsis or outside of it?
History Pockets: Ancient Egypt
G (8yos) and P (5yos) are both enjoying the pockets. I was a little worried they would squelch their artistic abilities. But, I have to admit it's nice that they both run upstairs and do their "Hot Pockets" together. Yes, Hot Pockets. They laugh and giggle and call them hot pockets. There isn't anything better than making best friends with your brother.
I'm trying to remember back to all the books we have gone through. I have been trying to keep "records" of our learning, but they are in the other room at my desk and I'm in bed with MAC.
Walking the Bible: An Illustrated Journey for Kids Through the Greatest Stories Ever Told
The boys enjoyed listening to these stories every day. We read quite a few for bedtime.
Mummies in the Morning (Magic Tree House Series #3)
G read all The Magic Tree House Series by himself. So, this was at least his second time reading these books. I love these books! I wish they had them when I was little. Mysteries of Egypt
I'm not sure why the picture is gold. I got the DVD from our library and it's purple. I have to admit I always try to get a few movies to go along with whatever we are studying. We don't have cable, but we do have a nice big TV and the only thing we watch is PBS and Malcom in the Middle.
Story of the Nile
This a big rectangular picture book. There is a small paragraph on each page.