Being the laid back, relaxed, unschoolish, CMish, electic homeschool parent that I wouldn't expect a course of study from me. Sure I've battled with planning in 2007-2008 because I had a "teacher" and a public school to answer to. But, this year it's a free year again.
We have had bit of guidance this year. We have our favorite curriculum (you can see on the left under elements) and suggestions from Ambleside Online. My children like a good challenge and when they are busy we all get a long better. We don't push much...I tend to push more than my husband...I'm not sure that is a female thing or not. I'm just more of a bookish nerd crunchy socks in my sandals PNW kind of gal, while he is a hands on artsy surfer boy from California.
So, I thought I might put together a course of study this year. I worry about this school district a bit & while I know they can't look at my stuff...I would prefer better safe than sorry.
Which brings me to this wonderful & amazing article by Alicia on a course of study for the Preschool years. Which is where I place my youngest even though he could officially be in Kindergarten. He has had a rough time with learning to speak well. It was so difficult that even the speech therapist could never come up with anything official to label him with.
Unity Makes Us Stronger
Unity Makes Us Stronger, Faith Ringgold, 2022. These words seem timely as
the new administration aims a barrage of attacks against democracy and
freedom. I...
2 weeks ago
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