Thanks Tulip for the suggestions. I really appreciate all your advice. I feel like of all the homeschoolers I know online and in real life you are one I can really understand. I feel like we are dealing with pretty similar schedules and expectations.
Big Hugs...Don't forget to visit for Ezzo Week. I read this book with our first. I was vulnerable and without Parenting guidance. I was, also, very young and very naive. I was only 19 when I married and got pregnant on the night of my honeymoon. I turned to the church and Babywise is what the vomited all over me. I trusted them and they ripped my heart out. The teachings of Ezzo and those like him are not from God. You cannot hit babies and get away with it. You do not need to trick your children into obeying, sleeping, or recieving salvation. These are all gifts from God and we the parents need to look towards the Almighty Grace he has shown upon us. The world is watching us. They are watching you and they are watching me.
So, Now for my list...
I ordered Story of the World 1 (the revised edition) of the Audiobook and Activity Guide. I ordered these from Amazon as well. They were $53.84 and the shipping was free.
Plus previously mentioned Curriculum Purchased
Aspergers What does it mean to me? purchased from Amazon for $28.72 includes tax and the shipping was free.
Math U See Alpha Student book for the Peacemaker who is 7 and going into Grade 2. We already have the Teacher pack from our oldest.
Math U See Beta Student & Teacher Pack for the Prophet who is 10 and going into Grade 5. Not sure if I have talked about this before. But, we finally found Math U See the year before he went back to public school. So, we started with Alpha. Then he went to school and they did the new crazy math. The one where you estimate everything and come up with your own way to answer problems. Yuck. This did not go over well for our black & white Aspie. So, even though he could probably do a higher level, he is going to start with Beta and he can whiz through it as fast he wants. Math U See is great for any child who gets "behind" since there is no grade level to make them feel bad about.
Total Math U See $92.17 (We live in the same state and had to pay tax.)
Total Spent thus far $174.73
I've really struggled with using Classical Materials. I'm reading this article by Susan Wise Bauer right now. And per Tulip, I'm heading over to find out more about Carol and what she has to say about Home Education.
I have to say I feel relieved this morning. I have been so anxious about the boys education. But, I've got that peace.
Unity Makes Us Stronger
Unity Makes Us Stronger, Faith Ringgold, 2022. These words seem timely as
the new administration aims a barrage of attacks against democracy and
freedom. I...
2 weeks ago
Sounds like very good choices. When my boys were very little, I was oh-so-careful about every dime I spent on curriculum. Then when I had them in school for a year and the *ack* expense of THAT, and Hubby being in grad school and me back in school and the expense of THAT--spending a little more on the kids comes a little more easily. (Thank the Lord for Pell Grants that go for my tuition and the kids' books!)
I've always really considered you a homeschooling super mom!! ((hugs))
Oh, Jessica you are such a sweet heart. That means so very much to me. I see a lot of moms who live a life that seems so constant.
We've changed so much over the years. There are things I wish I could do. But, I can't and I have to let them go.
I know right now the best thing I can do for my boys is to insure they are able to be homeschooled successfully and to get them learning independently as soon as possible.
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